It's weighed down on me

I am so delirious I can't even spell it.

It's 8:45 and I have been up since 5:30.

I've had only 3 hours of sleep and I don't care.

I was alive and able to get up and serve something greater than myself.

I was given an amazing gift this morning while assisting the Catholic Worker (find a location in your state)

I have been going there to volunteer for a few months now, and I have never witnessed someone being turned away from lack of food; but today was different.

Today was extremely busy. It was pasta day, and it flew off of the shelves. Everyone was so pleased. Then this man walked up to get his share. He was solemnly told we were out of food. I felt absolutely horrible. I didn't even know what to do or think.

Then, suddenly, a gentleman, that I have seen most days I am there, hands this gentleman half of his food. I began to cry.

When I am there, I am nothing more than the lady that helps to brighten their day.

I ask them with real conviction how they are. I ask them how do they like the food, I remember their names. We are a community of people with no labels and no differences. We are just humans existing and loving.

To see another human in a position as he is, with out hesitation give to another in need is by far the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

We are all struggling. We all have something going on, but we all have something we can afford to give.

Just realize you possess more than you can see. You can touch some one's life in many different ways.

In the end you walk away with so much more than you started with.

Today try politely smiling at someone you probably don't want to. Be genuine, and see how beautiful your surroundings become.

I hope you all have a safe and glorious day!

I am off to nap!
