Beaver Butt Juice

As many of you may know, I have returned to the vegan way of life and full force. I've had this idea in my head for a long time, an idea of what mattered to me. When I decided to make my commitment I wanted to know exactly what I was doing and why, so I began researching all I could to find out about everything that goes into a vegan lifestyle. What isn't on the menu and why. Well, in my research "Natural Flavours" came up. I found out that it is in many things that are as follows but not limited too....imitation vanilla, raspberry flavour, and anything thing that is listed as a natural flavour. Well, this "natural flavour" is nothing more than rectal secretions from a beaver. You think you'd be safe with some products, but today, I found just that in hummus. It's quite sad really, I'm not sure why you'd need beaver butt juice in hummus, or who's bright idea it was to put that in our food, but chew on that the next time you don't read a label.
